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About Me

Hi there, I'm Stine. So glad you stopped by. Welcome to my podcast website, where we embark on an inspiring journey of self-discovery and empowerment through the love of running. As a dedicated coach for Type A women runners, my passion lies in helping individuals rediscover the pure joy and transformative benefits of running while redefining their measures of success. By emphasizing self-compassion, gratitude, and fostering a strong mind-body connection, this platform aims to explore the endless possibilities of growth and fulfillment. If you're curious about my personal evolution and the path that led me here, I invite you to read on and discover my transformative journey. 

I Used to Look Outside of Myself for a Solution

Growing up, I never viewed myself as an athlete. My focus was on being a horse girl until my late teens, until the demands of school work made it impossible to care for a horse. With two master's degrees, one in English and another in Communication Disorders (also known as speech therapy), I always relied on my brain to acquire knowledge. However, I now realize that I was top-heavy, neglecting the mind-body connection.

From Inner Battle to Inner Peace

For years, I struggled with guilt, shame, and an obsession with weight. I constantly sought external solutions, whether it was education, certifications, or exercise programs. While they brought achievements, they never brought true inner peace or happiness with myself. It wasn't until my 40s that I began building a relationship with myself, and that's when things started to change. Running became a way to connect my mind and body, finding positive growth and self-acceptance.

Mindful Miles, Not Just the Miles But the Views

I believe running is about more than just metrics. It's an opportunity to connect with my surroundings and find gratitude in the present moment. Whether I'm exploring the wide-open spaces of Wyoming, marveling at its majestic beauty, or running through the countryside of my native Denmark, noticing the whimsical details around me, my runs are about embracing the experience and savoring the journey, rather than simply checking off miles.

Running Aligned Body and Mind: It's a Way of Life

Running Aligned Body and Mind is not just about physical alignment, but about bringing consciousness to ourselves and the spaces we run in. It's about shifting from external motivations to internal empowerment. I know it works because I connect with the energy it brings and ask myself, "Does it feel good?"

Running as a Reflection of Life

Running is a powerful mirror that reflects how we show up in life. By shifting our focus from external metrics to a deeper meaning and connection within ourselves, we can positively impact our entire world. It's not just about the miles, but about creating a meaningful way of living.

Transforming Relationships, Transforming Lives

My journey of transformation has impacted not only myself but also the most important people in my life, including my mom, my boys, my husband, and, most importantly, myself. By changing my relationship with myself, I've cultivated healthier and more fulfilling connections with others.

Running Aligned Body and Mind is here to guide you on a transformative journey, helping you discover the joy, peace, and empowerment that come from aligning your body and mind. Are you ready to embark on this journey with me? Let's start running towards a life filled with balance, self-acceptance, and meaningful connections.

Transform your mindset. Listen to the private podcast "Learn How to Ditch Your Negative Self-Talk."